Was ist samo?

Samo or Sámó (circa 600-658 AD) was the founder and ruler of the first recorded Slavic state known as Samo's Empire or Samo's Realm, which existed in the 7th century in Central Europe. The exact origins of Samo are unclear, with some theories suggesting that he was a Slavic nobleman, while others propose that he may have been a Frankish merchant or even a former Frankish servant.

Under Samo's leadership, the Slavic tribes living in what is now modern-day Austria, Slovakia, Slovenia, and the Czech Republic united to form a political and military federation against Avar and Frankish expansion. This federation, sometimes referred to as the Slavic union, successfully defended the Slavic tribes and asserted their independence.

Historical sources give conflicting accounts of Samo's reign and the nature of his rule. Some depict him as a strong and capable ruler who established peace and stability, while others portray him as an opportunistic leader who took advantage of the power vacuum left by the collapse of the Avar Khaganate. Nevertheless, Samo's Empire is considered the earliest recorded Slavic political entity.

The exact circumstances and cause of Samo's death are unknown, and after his demise, the unity among the Slavic tribes disintegrated, leading to their subsequent subjugation by the surrounding powers. Nonetheless, Samo's Empire played a significant role in establishing the foundations for future Slavic states and their struggles against foreign invasions.