Was ist kintarō?

Kintarō is a legendary figure in Japanese folklore. Also known as Kintarō the Golden Boy, he is a popular character in traditional Japanese tales and children's stories.

Kintarō is depicted as a strong and brave child with immense physical strength. He is often portrayed wearing a traditional outfit of a loincloth and wielding a large axe-like weapon called an ono. He is usually depicted with a distinctive hairstyle, featuring a topknot tied with a red ribbon.

The stories about Kintarō usually revolve around his adventures in the wilderness, where he befriends animals and fights against various legendary creatures and demons. He is known for his close connection with nature and animals, often being referred to as the "captain of the animals." Kintarō is said to possess the ability to communicate with animals and use their help in his adventures.

According to the legend, Kintarō was raised by his mother, a mountain witch named Yama-uba, in the mountains of Japan. She taught him survival skills and trained him to become a strong and fearless warrior. As he grows up, Kintarō leaves his mother's home and becomes a loyal follower of Minamoto no Yorimitsu, a famous samurai warrior.

Kintarō's tales have been passed down through generations and have become a popular subject in various forms of art, including traditional Japanese woodblock prints, kabuki theater, and manga. He is often portrayed as a symbol of bravery, strength, and the indomitable spirit of the Japanese people.