Was ist headgear?

Headgear is a type of orthodontic appliance used to correct or improve the positioning of the upper jaw and teeth. It is typically made up of two main components: a facebow and a neck strap or head cap.

The facebow is a metal wire that is attached to specialized orthodontic brackets or bands that may be bonded to the upper molars or premolars. It extends outside the mouth and connects to the neck strap or head cap, which is worn on the back of the head or neck. The purpose of the facebow is to exert forces on the upper jaw, guiding its growth and position in relation to the lower jaw.

Headgear is typically used as part of a comprehensive orthodontic treatment plan, particularly in cases where the upper jaw needs to be expanded or repositioned. It helps to correct conditions such as overbites, underbites, crossbites, and overcrowding. By applying gentle pressure to the upper jaw, headgear helps to promote proper alignment and create a more balanced and functional bite.

In most cases, headgear is removable and should be worn for a certain number of hours each day or as prescribed by the orthodontist. The duration of headgear usage varies depending on the severity of the orthodontic issue and the individual's response to treatment.

While headgear can initially feel uncomfortable or be aesthetically unappealing, it is an effective tool in achieving optimal orthodontic results. It is important to follow all instructions provided by the orthodontist regarding its use and care to ensure maximum effectiveness and patient comfort. Regular check-ups and adjustments are typically required during the course of headgear treatment.
